“The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself.” ~ Mark Twain Toxic, haven’t we all heard that word before. For anything to turn toxic requires negligence, ignoring repeated patterns or denying them altogether. Toxicity in life takes time to build, you may recieve repeated hints in the form of behavioral patterns that are ignored, and this is when it reaches a level where it becomes toxic. When that toxicity creeps into one’s own relationship with oneself it becomes a cause for concern. Self care is important to stay sane and at peace with oneself, it’s the words we speak to ourselves that becomes a part of who we are. You are hard on yourself Every time you make a mistake or things something goes wrong, you blame yourself. “It is because of me that I didn’t get through the interview, or this relationship didn’t work. I am not good enough.” The negative self-talk, criticising yourself all the time makes it difficult to move forward on a path of self-realisatio...
This Blog teaches us nothin, it jest reminds us the things which v'may have forgotten in our day to day bz lives.