Children constitute most part of our lives.. Isn't it??? They should... As they are here coz we got them here. Whether it was planned or unplanned as an adult we need to accept that responsibility that we gave birth to them, either out of sheer physical pleasure or as a societal norm or pressure.... We either make a choice to not give birth in first place or we take up the responsibility.
But responsibility also includes our aspirations for our children and today it is limitless.... It is fabulous to have such great aspirations for children but are we keeping a check on ourselves?????
I come across parents who have been obsessed by their children and have focussed their complete energy into their upbringing... Which is commendable but have you done that for them or yourself?????
We as adults are programmed by our parents and culture and environment in a particular fashion and our egos make us believe that WE ARE THE BEST ..... especially in country like ours all cultures and communities have an internal competition to do better than others and feed the same into these tiny heads. Each of us want to make the best robot out of our children making us the best programmer. With all competitive streaks and constantly racing to reach a particular income bracket and status we use verbal, emotional, physical hunters to tame these free birds. It is an insecured parent who can limit child s reach. We are under confident about ourselves and we pass this ugly trait to our children.
I am a parent of two amazing kids and yes, I am also constantly worried about their SECURED FUTURE.... who is secured but... I keep thinking about this and laugh out loudly as no one being around with whatever they have is feeling totally secured.... I will not talk about various areas of insecurities most in demand being financial and health and romance. Each of us is running from the time we learnt walking to eradicate or reduce each of these insecurities but to what extent are we able to really achieve that peace....????? Lets answer this to ourselves.....
I am no wizard of flawless parenting to talk about ideal parenting as I know my limitations in being that one ultimate parent but all I realize and understand that except teaching my children human values and universal laws I don't want to contaminate them with pearls of wisdom which we have rote learnt from scriptures and texts nor would I wish to block their thoughts and acceptance of other humans existing in this world.... As a soul, we all know what is right and wrong, what we need and how much we need, we have exploited our intelligence way too much to enslave ourselves to our material needs and we have lost our innate profoundness.
As a parent, all I aspire for my children is to make a fulfilling life with their available resources without crushing others on their way to that goal and at the end of each day feel immensely peaceful and satisfied for being their best. Rest is universal worry.... And I don't think I am even close to universe to provide them with anything more than this wish....
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