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Showing posts from July, 2020

this Lockdown do not Lockdown ur ideas!

Do you feel that you are working harder than ever, & used to have plenty of great ideas, they just aren’t flowing anymore? When you have an insight, it likely feels as though the idea came out of thin air. But that insight is the result of a distinct process in the brain & for this process to occur most easily—for that big idea to bubble up—your brain needs to be in a certain state.  Specifically, your brain needs to be in a Relaxed and Positive state & not working directly on the problem. Yes, you heard that right: In order to solve that difficult problem keeping you locked to your desk, won't work! Naturally, when you have a complex problem to solve, you have to do the initial legwork to gather information & perspectives. After that, step away. For your brain to make new connections, you need to stop narrowly focusing on the problem. This is why your big ideas come to you at seemingly random times and places, such as while you’re in the shower or taking a walk. It...

Game Changer

Millions of dads are stuck at home — which could be a game changer for working moms. Globally, more than 1.3 billion children are out of school because of the corona virus pandemic. Parents are frazzled. Children are antsy. And the whole thing is proving a major shock to society. If we believe in hypothesis for how this shock could play out on a massive scale. we can predict two big outcomes for gender equality. First, the bad news: Over the short run, they predict, working moms will shoulder a higher burden than dads when it comes to providing childcare in the pandemic. But there's also good news: Millions of dads have suddenly been forced to stay home with their kids. This historic moment could forever shift dynamics in both firms and families, leading to greater gender equality down the road... Welcome2dnuworld! #genderequality #responsibilityshouldertoshoulder #welcome2dnuworld

Small Business

Small businesses across the world are finding it difficult -- if not impossible -- to make their monthly rent payments. The economic shutdowns and on-again-off-again re-openings have made it hard for business owners to cover their rent, which can sometimes be their largest expense. That has created an uncomfortable tension and interdependency with the often small, independent landlords or small real estate firms from which they rent. Those landlords, after all, have their own expenses and taxes to pay. Example: Mr. Amit Bhatrani, who owns a lifestyle boutique store in a high-end shopping district, is one year into a 10-year lease, which costs him Rs16,000 a month. Amit said he has a good relationship with his landlord, who has told him to pay what he can for now and they'd figure out how to make up the difference later. But, in April and May, he couldn't afford to pay anything. Amit was able to pay two-quarters of his rent for June and July -- thanks to money from his loan prog...

Spirituality and Death

What is spirituality? What is death? Do we live on after death? What happens to us? Does it even make sense to ask questions like “What is my future after death”? My spiritual quest began at a young age, although I didn’t know that it was called spirituality. But I dwelt deeper into life due to my love for Quantum Mechanics. I will write a blog on that some other time. But for now, I’ll stick to the topic of my blog. Spirituality is anything beyond the physical dimension and not for the faint-hearted. Because what any yogic practice does, is that it dilutes your strong likes and dislikes, perceptions or ego etc… So, many people fear loosing themselves in the process as they are too attached with themselves or the world around them. But that’s just half of the story. We all have a “warehouse” of Karma that needs to be worked out. Our past and present life karma, likes and dislikes, desires for material pleasures (even spiritual pleasures) keeps us in bondage and we end up getting re-inc...

Jobless but not Worthless

I am not Recruiter but love to share this thought.   I interviewed a candidate this week who reached out to me through LinkedIn. During his interview he mentioned that he has lost his job due to Covid-19 and had no salary expectations whatsoeva. The candidate went through with few interview rounds & eventually got selected for the role applied .While having salary discussion, offered him hike as per his caliber.   He was so grateful, for extending him this opportunity & kept saying “its all because of you” !   I counselled him & said “it wasn’t because of me but you deserved it He is the final achiever and successor “   Always Understand: You may be Jobless but not Worthless keep trying and believe in Yourself   #careeropportunities   #motivation #beliveinurself #PositiveinNegative #zeal ...

who's ur Hanuman

When Valmiki completed his Ramayana, Narada wasn't impressed. "It is good, but Hanuman's is better", he said. "Hanuman has written the Ramayana too?" Valmiki didn't like this at all, and wondered whose Ramayana was better. After reading it, and finding it to be perfect, Valmiki couldn't help himself. He started to cry. "Why are you crying?"asked Hanuman."Because after reading your Ramayana no one will read my Ramayana",replied Valmiki. Hearing this Hanuman simply tore up the seven banana leaves stating "Now no one will ever read Hanuman's Ramayana." Hanuman said, "You need your Ramayana more than I need mine. You wrote your Ramayana so that the world remembers Valmiki, I wrote my Ramayana so that I remember Ram." 👏 At that moment Valmiki realized how he had been consumed by the desire for validation through his work. His Ramayana was a product of ambition, but Hanuman's Ramayana was a produ...

Billionaire Warren Buffett here are 6 pieces of wisdom from the investing legend

Warren Buffett, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Inc The India Today Group | Getty Images Berkshire Hathaway CEO and self-made billionaire Warren Buffett turned 89 on Friday, August 30. He’s also celebrating his 13th wedding anniversary with his wife, Astrid. Marry the right person Buffett made his fortune through smart investing, but if you ask him about the most important decision he ever made, it would have nothing to do with money. The biggest decision of your life,  Buffett says , is who you choose to marry. “You want to associate with people who are the kind of person you’d like to be. You’ll move in that direction,” he said during  a 2017 conversation with Bill Gates . “And the most important person by far in that respect is your spouse. I can’t overemphasize how important that is.” It’s advice he’s been giving for years. As he said at the  2009 Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting : “Marry the right person. I’m serious about that. It will make more difference i...

Cloning in Veda & Purana

Achievements in cloning or test-tube baby in scriptures is found in Mahabharata. Duryodhana and his 100 brothers were cloned from the single flesh (Mamsa Pinda.)  . The technique of division of Chamasa might have been used by sage Vyasa in producing 100 Kauravas and their sister Dusshala. Gandhari became pregnant naturally from her husband Dhritarashtra. However she did not deliver a child even after nine months were completed. By that time Kunti gave birth to a child named as Yudhishthira. Therefore Gandhari became angry because her son’s right to the throne was lost. Therefore, burning with anger, Gandhari aborted her foetus. In fact it was not a foetus, not a developed child; but a mole, a mass of living cells having no shape like a human child. As soon as the sage Vyasa heard about her abortion, he came immediately, took the aborted cell mass in possession and carried on further work over it. He divided that mole, This means that Vyasa dissected the mole carefully and found ou...

The Cosmic Mystery

Since our senses are imperfect or are conditioned, the conclusions we give are also imperfect or limited. Someone may claim we not only depend on our senses but also use scientific discoveries, technologies, labs etc. Etc, but we should not forget that all these tech and discoveries we made are invented by us and these materials does not give conclusion but instead by seeing the results of our tests and observation we conclude based on our perspective. So for the real understanding of creation we should drag our self from this juvenile approach of understanding and take shelter of vedic scriptures. In srimad bhagavat Gita 9.10 Bhagavan Krishna Says that: mayädhyakñeëa prakåtiù süyate sa-caräcaram hetunänena kaunteya jagad viparivartate This material nature, which is one of My energies, is working under My direction, O son of Kunté, producing all moving and nonmoving beings. Under its rule this manifestation is created and annihilated again and again. ahaà kåtsnasya jagataù prabhavaù pr...

Why/How Suicide Happens? And the Remedy

Biggest  fear  in the world is fear of death. Everybody tries to skip death, though death is invincible. All giant corporations with gigantic financial profits in the world starting from arms and artilleries manufacturer up to hospitals, doctors, pharma including WHO are running their show on the fear of death. But still average 91 people commit suicide every hour in the world making 2192 every day and almost 800,000 deaths from suicide every year. Furthermore, the statistics of number of people attempting suicide once or more is further terrific then we see here. For every suicide there are many more people who attempt suicide every year. A prior suicide attempt is the single most important risk factor for suicide in the general population causing suicide as the third leading cause of death in 15-19-year-olds, 79% of global suicides occur in low and middle-income countries by ingestion of pesticide, hanging and firearms, which are among the most common methods of suicide glob...

Fear Of Invisible Virus VS. Enhancement Of Immunity

20 JUL 20 Corona virus is the trending topic in present day world. From Most medically advance nation to the poorest among poor and the most intellect to the illiterate each individual knows it, CORONA. Yet the source is unknown, some says it transmitted from bat to human and some claim it to be developed in lab as a bioweapon. Whatever it may be the case, it is transmitted to human due to unnatural, unlawful behavior of humans. Viruses in itself are not even a complete cell with size of one hundredth the size of bacteria in most cases and yet entire world population (eight billion) each one with 37.2 trillion cells in average is locked down by an insignificant submicroscopic body with no sign of life in itself. Since time antiquity the epidemics are the cause of mass destruction for human race. They are the biggest challenge for us always. Starting from  typhoid fever of Athens dated 429 BC with death around 100,000 at Greece, Libya, Egypt and Ethiopia, Antonine plague dated 165-1...