You are a Bringer of Light, and your current lifetime will bring you absolutely everything you need to awaken to this sacred purpose.
You have elected to be here, during these times of vast, far-ranging energetic change, in order to make a considerable difference to the existing status quo.
You are here to literally hold and balance the Energies as they shift, meld and flood into our Earth realm .
You have great talents and gifts to express here , as well as a rich Akashic inheritance of all your lives on this planet . This life will be spent developing and honing these in order for the frequency of the planet to be transformed by you.
You will touch other people's lives, encourage them to open their hearts, free their minds and elevate their personal vibrational fields .
You will eventually join with others who have come to do similar work as you, and you will have known these Souls for many, many centuries.
This lifetime may bring you through uncomfortable and huge changes and shifts in your physical world and relationships.
Every encounter you have, every karmic link you make, every place in which you find yourself is contributing purposefully to your Grand Awakening as the Light-Bringer that you are.
Many times these experiences feel very emotional and de-stabilising.
Sometimes all that you know as safe and familiar is seemingly felt ripped away, or broken down before your eyes.
Occasionally you are led, through unexpected meetings and events, to change almost every aspect of your life overnight.
Every time these Divine Patterns assert themselves, your inner energetic Light Codes are fired up.
Many Sacred Symbols awaken throughout your light body. Your memories of your Powerful, Divine, Regal and Sovereign Self are powerfully stirred.
The Sacred Forces lead you forcefully towards conditions and people that have been sent to spark you up, fire you up, explode your inner codings and awaken your chakras into Life.
You must go where these energies take you, because you have agreed to walk this Path of Light. Often, the Path will feel so magnetically-charged that you will not be able to refuse it.
You will feel, despite huge protestations from the Ego, incredibly and undeniably drawn to making the changes that Spirit is now calling in.
Your logical mind will scream loudly for a time . Not much will sometimes seem to make rational sense. Just keep noticing the signs and signals; be conscious of the synchronicity and the Divine Hand in your life; and make very regular contact with the Higher Self, asking It to lead you to the most exalted places and planes.
At this time of ascension there is so much information and also so much disinformation. Knowing truth from deception/falsehood is key.
Dark Forces are well practised at mixing truth with toxic lies. Trust your connection with your Higher Self and divine guides. The clearer your connection the harder it will be to be deceived and the more quickly you will come to sense that something is off.
All is now in Perfect and Divine Order for bringing your radiant Self into your vibrant light being..
Love and Divine Ascension to you always
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