It is mind-blowing (to me)how hard it is to hold that kind of energy.
The strength it takes and the constant hum of anger and resentment that keeps the grudge alive is so unhealthy.
Grudges are peace killers.
The thing is (this mindset) has little or no effect on the one -or the situation -the grudge is about; it’s just an ugly vibe that swirls in the background of our day. We must breathe through it; breathe with it and invite peace to enter where the pain is. Give it enough room to fill the uncertainty and replace it with love. Self-love.
Once we master this, grudges will not be an option anymore.
debbie lynn
Peace is an invitation in daily life to breathe deep, right here, in the uncertainty.
Looking forward to serving and working with you in the highest light and love beautiful soul!
Love and Divine Ascension to you always
JM 🌹🌺
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