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Showing posts from March, 2023

7 rules f Lyfe...

1. Let it go... Neva ruin a good day thinkin about a bad  yesterday. 2. Ignore dem... Don't listen to people, live a lyfe dats empowered to you  3. Give a Tyme .. Tyme heals everything. 4 Don't Compare... The only person u should try to bear is the person you were yesterday. 5. Stay Calm... It's ok not to have everything figured out, know dat in Tyme u"ll get there  6. It's on U .. Only u r in Charge f ur happiness. 7. Smyle... Lyfe is short enjoy it whilst u can.

Gmail Tricks...

Women's day?

Thoughts on a real Women's day... While I see so many women around me blame Men for innumerable dreams they had to compromise, a lot of women themselves *FAIL* to ask the right questions...??? The way we celebrate a woman getting married, her baby showers, her engagement, innumerable rituals, most women dont even make the effort to encourage their clan to grow.  Women's amongst themselves have ever asked about a New venture you started, Exhibitions you held, a new promotion that you dreamt for long, something you saved for and managed to buy for yourself,  None. Absolutely None of these questions are discussed amongst them. Women never ask the right questions and in failures, the shelter is *patriarchy* . Most, almost all women around are busy discussing how other woman's waist size is bigger, how she's traveling alone,  she's not dependable and homely enough, her skin is dark, creating gossip out of a fellow woman's failures.  etcetra...  *Putting a...

Why Men Withdraw Emotionally...

In a relationship, having your partner withdraw at an emotional level can bring confusion, pain and frustration. Women who relate to men that do this are often bewildered by why and how this happens. Speaking as a man, and one who considers himself sensitive and emotionally available, there are particular situations and scenarios that cause me to withdraw. And I imagine that other men, regardless of how in-tune they are with their emotional nature, would respond in similar ways. Just because a man withdraws does not mean he is withdrawing from you. First, I just wanted to express that when a man seeks solace or withdraws from a conversation, it probably has nothing to do with the beloved. It has more to do with the emotional intensity and confusion around emotions than with any particular person. It just takes men more time to integrate and understand the watery realm of emotions. And understanding emotions isn’t something that happens for us spontaneously in the midst of a...

Jest Surrender... it's ok

Sometimes we need to be in the deepest place of desperation and surrender to receive… On bended knee, nothing left, exhausted - this is where the answers come and change will hold our hand. It’s a place of serenity and vulnerability. Alone, yet far from alone. And when we stop blaming, stop masking our mistakes with pity and procrastination, a quiet strength will be allowed to enter.  This is where we hear what needs to be heard - and more often than not, it isn’t pretty. When we are running away from a problem there is no resolution, and the wall of excuses will block all reason and logic, making it impossible for messages of intent to reach us.  Just surrender.  It’s ok.  Stop resisting. Cry. Rest in it.  Take a long deep breath and listen. You will be given exactly what you need to hear . JM 🌺


  Where Do You Need To Establish Better Boundaries? You are being called to create clearer boundaries in your life. This could be with your friends, family, or work. Saying YES when you really mean NO leads to resentment, which is the biggest energy drain ever. At first it might only be a little bit and not feel like a big deal, but before you know it, your energy field becomes porous and you are left feeling depleted, resentful, or taken advantage of. Saying NO and having clear boundaries is actually a spiritual act. The most giving, loving, compassionate people are those with the clearest boundaries. For when they say YES, they are able to give unconditionally. When your boundaries are clear, others know where they stand and you are able to give freely. If you are not clear where your boundaries lie, this causes confusion, resentment, and energetic cords to be planted. If you are saying YES when you really mean NO, you are likely needing something yourself. Ask yourse...


I learned a long time that if you don’t fit into what people expect you to be, they don’t usually like you... and that’s fine by me. I’m not looking for approval or acceptance of the person that I am- I love the person that I’ve worked hard to become..every scar, scratch and flaw I have is original and earned- they all tell my story. That’s the thing: I’m not asking anyone to understand me, because there’s days that I don’t even understand myself. So, when they say I’ve changed or there’s something different about me..that’s not true at all. I just decided to stop hiding all the things I knew everyone wouldn’t like, understand or approve of. It took me a lot of soul searching and mustering up of my courage, but I couldn’t keep living under a pretense of what I wasn’t anymore. I’m going to shine with all of my true colors and people will still decide what to make of me, but I don’t care what anyone thinks of me, now or ever. It’s better to die an original than live as a fake...