Sometimes we need to be in the deepest place of desperation and surrender to receive…
On bended knee, nothing left, exhausted - this is where the answers come and change will hold our hand. It’s a place of serenity and vulnerability. Alone, yet far from alone. And when we stop blaming, stop masking our mistakes with pity and procrastination, a quiet strength will be allowed to enter.
This is where we hear what needs to be heard - and more often than not, it isn’t pretty. When we are running away from a problem there is no resolution, and the wall of excuses will block all reason and logic, making it impossible for messages of intent to reach us.
Just surrender.
It’s ok.
Stop resisting. Cry. Rest in it.
Take a long deep breath and listen. You will be given exactly what you need to hear .
JM 🌺
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