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Showing posts from June, 2023


  When I first started work, I was one of the privileged lot. I was exposed to some of the best trainings one can be provided with. It wasn’t complex and intricate and had real focus on self-development. This journey would not have been possible without those strong fundamentals which actually seeped into my thought process and became my life's foremost philosophy. Mind disagreed on a lot of things till these trainings happened. It taught me the simple rules of  life . One such beautiful  philosophy  I acquired was called "Oyakudachi" which is a Japanese word meaning   “walking in the other’s shoes’.  There was so much depth into the whole concept of Oyakudachi. While being into sales this philosophy also meant a great deal in real life situations too. It had a  spiritual  value to it.It simply says once you put yourself into others shoe you get your desired answers without being too critical about others. In sales life it meant a lot. Design...


Success demands these 6 things..  (The Secret Formula)  1.  Hard Work  Don't believe in luck, believe in hard work.  Stop trying to rush the process or searching for a shortcut.  There is none. 2.  Patience  If you are losing the patience, you are losing the battle.  First nothing happens, then it happens slowly and suddenly all at once.  Most people give up at stage one.  3.  Sacrifice If you don't sacrifice for what you want, then what you want becomes the sacrifice. Everything has its price. The question is: Are you ready to pay it for the life you desire? 4.  Consistency  Consistency is what transforms average into excellence.  Without consistency, you will never achieve greater success. 5.  Discipline  Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing.  There will be days when you don't “feel” like doing it.  You have to push through those days regardless of how you ...