When I first started work, I was one of the privileged lot. I was exposed to some of the best trainings one can be provided with. It wasn’t complex and intricate and had real focus on self-development. This journey would not have been possible without those strong fundamentals which actually seeped into my thought process and became my life's foremost philosophy. Mind disagreed on a lot of things till these trainings happened. It taught me the simple rules of life.
One such beautiful philosophy I acquired was called "Oyakudachi" which is a Japanese word meaning “walking in the other’s shoes’. There was so much depth into the whole concept of Oyakudachi. While being into sales this philosophy also meant a great deal in real life situations too. It had a spiritual value to it.It simply says once you put yourself into others shoe you get your desired answers without being too critical about others. In sales life it meant a lot. Designing solutions based on one's assessment of the customer’s needs became more easier than actually trying to argue with him and trying to convince him on what you have and want to provide. The same held true in your real life situations. It’s very easy to blame someone for being argumentive without even understanding their situation .Working around a situation is best done if we start reasoning from the other persons point of view. Just being there in his shoes and thinking the way you would think in a situation like his provides you the best possible results. You might argue with a blind man, when it comes to actually trying to make him understanding the brilliance of colours.When you see and think from his views then every colour becomes only black.Likewaise you cannot argue with a person who's deaf and who does not even hear you. You can only become a child when you are with a child. The child responds to you with all the enthusiasm and respect when you do things what excites them even if it is childish. The aura created by you during these situations is magic.
Developing a ear to understand someone's problem and equally emoting in the same manner as the other person, only gives you an insight of the problem and working a way out. It’s this behavior which helps you deal in complex relationship. Its helps you build patience while growing with your child, sharing wonderful moments of life with your wife, respecting elders with all humbleness, being helpful to a friend during his days of predicaments, establishing a never die relationship with a customer and so on and so forth.
Oyakudachi promotes symbiosis. It helps one to get along with all kinds of people helping to develop trust and love on the way. It elevates you from what you are and what you can be. These levels of thoughts builds a long lasting relationship with people around and in your endeavor to have a great life. Your whole existence then becomes a journey of happiness. You become a epitome of benevolence
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