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Showing posts from August, 2023

Digital Detox...

Imagine waking up to the blaring sound of your phone's alarm, and before even stretching your limbs, you instinctively reach for your device to check the notifications. Throughout the day, you find yourself drowning in a sea of emails, social media updates, news articles, and endless messages. As the day draws to a close, you struggle to unwind and relax, your mind still buzzing with the overwhelming digital clutter. This can take a toll on your well-being, causing heightened stress levels, anxiety, and a perpetual feeling of being "plugged in" without respite. While these technological advancements have undeniably brought convenience and efficiency, they have also set new challenges, including digital overload and diminishing mindfulness. The answer to finding balance and reclaiming our mental well-being may lie in the concept of a "digital detox." What is digital detox? In today’s technology-driven world, a digital detox has emerged as a deliberate...

18 Puranas... ez xplanation f vedas

18 P U R A N A S: 1. Meaning of Sholkas: 2. What do Puranas cover? A) Vishnu Puran B) Brahma Puran  C) Shiv Puran

Never Use These Phrases When Talking to Your Child...

When we are firstborn our parents are all that we have in this world. We would not be who we are today without them. Our parents are the people we look to for support and guidance. They are supposed to keep us feeling safe at all times and make sure as children that we follow their rules. However, as humans, we are all capable of making mistakes. As a child, we do not often think of our parents as ‘just humans’ we see them as more than that. These people we call Mom and Dad are our creators, guardians, protectors. They are Gods and Goddesses in our eyes as children, there is nothing Mommy and Daddy cannot do. Everything that a parent does and how they do it becomes an important part of their child’s psyche. The way we speak to our children becomes their inner voice. It tells them what is right and what is wrong. If you are often angry and cold towards your children, they will carry on this into adulthood. They will do the same thing you are doing to them to themselves later...


Have you noticed how Google Maps never yells, condemns or castigates you if you take the wrong turn?  It never raises its voice and says, “You were supposed to go LEFT at the last crossing, you idiot! Now you’re going to have to go the LONG way around and it’s going to take you SO much more time, and you’re going to be late for your meeting! Learn to pay attention and listen to my instructions, OK???”  IF it did that, chances are, a lot of us might stop using it. But Google simply Re-Routes and shows you the next best way to get there.  Its primary interest is in getting you to reach your goal, not in making you feel bad for having made a mistake. There’s a great lesson… It’s tempting to unload our frustration and anger on those who have made a mistake, especially those we are close to & familiar with. But the wisest choice is to help in fixing the problem, not to blame.     Have you had Re-Routing moments recently? With others, and also wit...