Have you noticed how Google Maps never yells, condemns or castigates you if you take the wrong turn? It never raises its voice and says, “You were supposed to go LEFT at the last crossing, you idiot! Now you’re going to have to go the LONG way around and it’s going to take you SO much more time, and you’re going to be late for your meeting! Learn to pay attention and listen to my instructions, OK???”
IF it did that, chances are, a lot of us might stop using it. But Google simply Re-Routes and shows you the next best way to get there.
Its primary interest is in getting you to reach your goal, not in making you feel bad for having made a mistake.
There’s a great lesson… It’s tempting to unload our frustration and anger on those who have made a mistake, especially those we are close to & familiar with. But the wisest choice is to help in fixing the problem, not to blame.
Have you had Re-Routing moments recently? With others, and also with your own self ??
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